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Getting the API.


You can access the api via npm:

install... npm install @kaimerra-corp/kai-api

in your code...later

// import Kai
import { Kai } from "@kaimerra-corp/kai-api/dist/index";

// in some async function
const main = async () {
const kai = await Kai.createForBrowser();

// use the new kai object to do awesome things!

Minimal HTML + Script Tag Example

You can also access the API via a script tag.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kaimerra-corp/kai-api@1.0.12/dist/kaimerra.min.js"></script>
(async () => {
const kai = await Kai.Kai.createForBrowser();

// use the new kai object to do awesome things!

Using the API


The API talks to 2 systems, a running Kaipod instance on your computer and the Kaimerra backend.

Before you call

const kai = await Kai.createForBrowser()

you must have your Kaipod running and logged in.


Currently the shared Kaimerra exposes an API for counters. There are a set of methods that allow you to get the values of counters and set them.

// Getting the current value of a counter:

## Internal Development
### To publish

1. npm run build
2. npm run rollup
3. npm publish

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